Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sooo...Today, before I go to bed

Today was a good day. I got enough sleep last night and woke up early and took the baby to daycare, then went to Staples for a little office shopping. I get almost giddy about buying office supplies! I know, Im such a dork! I went to class, which is always an interesting experience. At least that class is. Its called Sociology of Religion. You take that plus southeast Texas hardcore Christians (especially this one girl that irks me) and you got a show for sure. I mean, Im Christian and I have my morals and ethics...but some people are so closed minded that they cant accept that people have other religions. I dont judge people like that, I accept them and try my best to respect their religion. I hate how people block the parking garage every day. Its always the same cars every single day that park in front of the damn elevators like vultures watching an animal die, just waiting to pounce and follow the people to their cars to get their parking spaces. Ive pretty much given up on the garage, Ive been parking out by the library because its just easier. Its a longer walk, but I think I will survive...a little walking never hurt a fat girl anyway lol! I was so happy when I got home from class today because my roomie totally cleaned the house and it was amazing!

Oh BTW I made an awesomely cute diaper cake today that I am so so so proud of!

Anyways, thats my day in a nutshell Im going to bed


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